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Bird Cage Garden

Here is an idea that will add something special to
your garden. You can hang it from your porch or
under a tree. As the plants grow, they will fill up
the bottom of the cage and trail down the sides.

                                      Supplies:  Bird cage, Spanish moss, potting soil,
                                                       crushed granite (optional), succulents,
                                                       wire for securing the cage for hanging.

You will need a bird cage.
(I found this decorative one at a hobby store for about $25,
or sometimes you can find a cool used metal bird cage)

Line the bottom of the cage with Spanish moss,
building up along the sides to better hold in the potting soil.

Add your potting soil... mound it so the center is higher
than the edges.  It will settle with time.

Plant your larger showpiece succulents in the center. I added some light colored 
sedum for contrast to set off the dark colored succulents in the center. Along the 
edge, plant trailing succulents... I used String of Pearls.  As they grow, they will 
trail down the outside edge of the bird cage and will look very nice. It is optional 
to put a thin layer of crushed granite over the potting soil (this can be done with a 
long handled teaspoon working around your plants). The layer of granite over the 
topsoil will help keep the soil from washing away over the sides when you water.  
Important tip... this cage will be heavy once it is finished and it has been watered.  
If the top of the cage folds open, you will need to wire it shut along each side. 
The decorative clasp most likely will not be strong enough to support the weight .   
Have fun with it!!!

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